Kinds of Sites We Maintain

  • .Net based websites
  • php/mysql based websites
  • asp based websites
  • photoshop dreamweaver based websites
  • Flash based websites
  • SEO based websites
  • web server management
  • IT support based sites
  • software testing based sites
  • MS sql based websites
  • MS acess based websites
  • Servlets, JSP, Struts- based websites

Php based ecommerce shopping cart based ecommerce shopping cart Friendship based site Community based sites
Real estate portal Property website site Yellowpages based websites Car rental sites
Dating sites Job sites Shares advisory site Commodity trading sites
Ayurveda portal Modeling websites Oscommerce shopping cart sites Foundry website
Hotel website Pixelmarkeing advertising website Craiglist similarity website Online school/university portal/ website
Uses recruitment online website Yahoo store - based website Diamonds shopping cart website Nets selling website
Iraq war website International tours based website Scrap book based website Antique cars based portal / website
Online magazine website Skiing based website Fitness products website Belt wholesale shopping cart
Beauty parlour websites Overseas study website Overseas students website Affiliate programme website
Lawers website Liquidators website Voting based website Biblical training website
Mentoring websites Matrimonial portals /websites Gears website Textile machinery websites
Business associations website Childrens home websites Mothercare centre websites College websites
University websites Tshirt shopping cart Bellows website Hr website
Outsourcing and bpo websites Automobile websites Translation website Telecome company website